Thursday, September 2, 2010

More Personal

So, lately whenever I post anything it doesn't really have much to do with my life. I have really been wanting to be inspiring with my blog and post things that will be uplifting to others that read it- which I still plan on doing. But I figured that the majority- if not all of you that follow my blog- never really see me in person, and we rarely talk so there really isnt any way for  you to know whats been going on in my life. So I plan on posting things that are actually happening to me so you can get a little look into the Life of Erica. Which can actually be pretty interesting at times ;) haha
so to start off.. I am going to tell you what my life is all about right now.
I am currently working for an Internet Marketing company, where I plan Corporate events. I used to come to work at 7 and leave at 3 but lately I have been way too lazy to get up that early so instead I come anywhere from 730-8am and I leave around 4pm. Right after I get off work, I head straight to school (Aveda Institute of Provo Hair Academy) and I am there  till 10pm(ish). I absolutely love going to school- however working full time and heading straight to school gets very tiring, so I am ready to figure out something else. I would love to go to school full time but I have to work out my finances first..

So that is my day in and day out routine. On a little more personal level. Nate and my divorce was final in April. I recently got news that he is remarrying soon. I have to send him my letter of approval for him to be sealed to his new wife- which in all honesty I am not really excited to do. A lot of my family and friends are stull upset with the divorce and say I just shouldn't write him the letter- however I know that will cause them a lot of pain and greif and since I have moved on with my life- there is no reason for me to hold him back from his happiness. I hold no grudge towards him and honestly wish him the best- do I wish we could just have our sealing canceled instead of just letting him marry again- YES... however I don't have any say in that so I guess I just wait until I can finally get that done one day..

Since I work and go to school so much I really havent been doing anything or going anywhere to meet anyone so I played around with a few internet dating websites. Met a few cool people. Had a couple good dates..but didnt find anyone I was extactic about. That was until Jeff....

:) Jeff is a 26 year old, 6'2, native american/caucasion, amazing man who is serving in the Army right now and is stationed out in Germany. He sent me a message on and I guess the website actually told him that I may not respond to his email because "he was not the type of guy I was interested in" funny that a computer knows better than me what I am interested in just because of a couple boxes I clicked when setting up my profile... Anyway, he went with his better judgement and wrote me. Well guess what- I could not be more happy that he did! He has been so amazing and is the reason I wake up and go to sleep with a huge grin on my face. We definitely have a ton of differnces in our personalities which I absolutely love. I am not looking for a clone of myself.. that would be pretty boring! He is going to come home (Magna, UT) in November. November 6th to be exact ;) and you better believe that I have a countdown going until the day I get to meet him in person. I bought a webcam so we can actually see each other when we talk. Side note- when we first were messaging each other he had a webcam so I could see him and we could talk to each other but he couldnt see me- so I decided to be nice and let him see me too. haha
anyway we talk everyday. He is 8 hours ahead of me so when I am at work he is hanging out in his room talking to me until 1am his time- when I am finally off work. On the weekends I get to webcam with him, he has the most amazing smile (which the Army has forced him to hide for way too long)
Luckily he will be completely done with the Army next March! Then he will come back to UT and go to school. :D I cant say that things will for sure work out for us. But it is great fun for right now at least.
He has recently gone through an enngagement that broke off and he tells me I pulled him out of a huge self destructing rut. Which I could not be more happy for. I do not ever want to know he is in if I can be the reason he smile- I am ok with that :D He has definitely changed my life as well. Life was getting so repeditive and I was getting really lonely wondering if I was ever going to meet a great guy.
Once he goes back in November, he has to go to Afganastan! :( Which I am soooo not happy about. He made me promise him I will not read or watch the news at all while he is there. I am pretty sure I would drive myself insane if I did. I am not much of a news person anyway but if I had to see or hear about what he is going through I think I'd go crazy worring so much!!!!! GOOD NEWS is he will only be there for a few months then he gets to come home!
I will keep you posted on what happens :) for now here are a couple pics of him. He doesnt have a camera so all of his photos are from his friends snapping pics. And there arent any that really show his face very well, but trust me- he is hott! ;) His smile drives me crazy!!!!! :D
That guy standing next to him is 5'10... I am 5'6 lol it will be interesting to see how tiny I look compared to him! haha but hey- at least I can wear high heels around him right! :) I hate when guys are shorter than me so I have to wear flats all the time. That will DEFINITELY not be the case here :D


  1. It sounds like you're doing great and that is awesome!! I didn't know you were going to school here in Provo. I need my roots done, maybe I should have you work on them for me!

  2. Hey sis We seriously need to talk more I didnt even know you had an intrest in someone...thats exciting! I seriously cant wait to see you even though I wont get to spend very much time with you :(
